Saint-Oyen plan puitz
If you want to explore the beauty of Saint-Oyen with either hiking boots or snowshoes Plan Puitz has a nature trail for hikers that is right for you.
If you want to explore the beauty of Saint-Oyen with either hiking boots or snowshoes Plan Puitz is for you: it is an enchanting trail with numerous surprises! First, you need to drive to Saint Rhemy en Bosses, the last commune before the Swiss border, and leave it in the small parking lot before the village. Crossing a carriage road, you enter the forest to the Morguinaz chalets. Continuing westward, the trail leads to a farm road, where a fork reveals an exciting discovery: Plan Puitz, with its striking cave fortifications.
The Plan Puitz site, in fact, has within it tunnels (created for military reasons) in which cannons were placed.
A tour of the tunnels (to be done carefully only under safe conditions) allows you to see how the location could control the valley coming down from the Great St. Bernard Pass very well.